Medical aids with no waiting period in South Africa are quite difficult schemes to come across. Applying for a scheme with a short waiting period is probably easier. However there are some clauses that qualify scheme holders to get immediate access to their medical aid benefits. What … [Read More...]
Featured Information
Hospital Plans that Give you Cash Back
These days no one can afford to get sickness or injuries. Especially if you land up in hospital, private hospital bills rack up to tens of thousands of Rands in a matter of days. For this reason many South Africans choose to get medical aid cover, with a cash back plan being the most … [Read More...]

Finance for Cosmetic Dentistry
If you are self-conscious about your teeth then finance for cosmetic dentistry in South Africa may be an option. For you to get the perfect set of pearly whites. Borrowing money for dental implants is one common solution for people who don't have the money up front. What is Cosmetic … [Read More...]

Medical Aids that Cover Cosmetic Surgery
Medical aids that cover cosmetic surgery in South Africa can be a bit harder to find than usual cover. Because often these procedures are not out of necessity but more for a persons looks. Whether or not a medical aid will cover this kind of surgery will depend on your personal … [Read More...]

Oxygen Medical Aid South Africa
Oxygen medical aid for South Africa residents is a scheme by the reliable Old Mutual company. This plan offers you the ability to combine cover with a medical savings account. That you can use if you exhaust your benefit. It is a good scheme for bigger families. Because it offers good … [Read More...]

The ABSA Medical Aid Scheme
The Absa Medical Aid Scheme is for businesses who are looking for a medical aid scheme for their employees. This medical aid aims to help improve employee wellness and productivity. And help the business focus on what is best, the running of the business. They claim to understand that … [Read More...]