Everyone that is concerned about their health and the health of their loved ones should have a Discovery health medical aid scheme. You don’t want to get those unexpected doctors bill when you don’t have extra cash to pay them, make sure you have a good hospital plan and that all of your costs will be sorted out without you having to take money from your own pocket. There are many benefits to having medical aid, for one you don’t have to worry about having money on you in case of an emergency and you have to see the doctor immediately.
There is a wellness programme associated with the Discovery health medical aid scheme called vitality. Vitality offers you the opportunity of becoming healthy and enjoying all of the other rewards and benefits they have. Members as well as their families will have access to vitality and they are sure to enjoy it as much as you do. You don’t want to be caught out with doctor’s bills at the end of the month, by having medical aid you know that you are covered should you need medical attention. With a detailed hospital plan, you will find that you are more relaxed and at ease knowing that you are covered.
When it comes to medical aid, there are many different options for you to choose from, so you don’t have to worry about being forced to take a plan, you can choose the one that best suits you and your needs. What you are protected from, the benefits involved and the cost of the plan will differentiate one plan from another. No matter what situation you find yourself in, know that you will feel a lot better and much more relaxed if you have a Discovery health medical aid scheme.
Points and Benefits with Discoveries “Vitality” Plan
With points and benefits with Discoveries “Vitality” Plan you can expect value and reliability when it comes to your insurance. You will be able to purchase life assurance and also funding products if you are retired. You can be sure that these will protect you and also your family. With Discovery Vitality program you will be able to enjoy great benefits and also many rewards. Some of the benefits include great saving when joining Planet Fitness and Virgin Active. If you pay the cost of R645 once off, you will save 80 percent on the monthly rate.
The other great thing about the points and benefits with Discoverys “Vitality” Plan is that you get cash back when you pay for your groceries and luxuries using your Visa Discovery Card at participating retailers. When shopping at Pic ‘n Pay you will be able to save 25 percent on healthy foods. You can also earn Vitality points when doing online assessments and learn a few things about your health status. When you participate in healthy activities you earn Vitality points. The more points you accumulate, the higher your status and you will be thanked with great rewards. You can set health goals that will improve your health status.
If you make sure that your children are always healthy Discovery will give them great rewards such as free Ster-Kinerkor tickets for all kids older than 2 and younger than eighteen. If you are pregnant you can sign up with Discovery Baby and you will receive expert advice, lots of information and also a bag full of baby products that are essential for your baby. Many people have joined the popular medical aid scheme and not only for the points and the rewards, but because Discovery Vitality really does work. The points and benefits are just some of the things to expect when joining this program.